Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Why have you gone out of contract with Healthscope?

The Australian Health Services Alliance (AHSA), affecting AHSA member funds including HIF, was unable to reach an agreement with Healthscope Hospitals.

Healthscope made the decision to terminate our agreement, which will come into effect at 11.59pm 3 March, 2025.

What if I’m booked for an upcoming medical procedure at a Healthscope hospital?

If you are pre-booked for services up to six months after the agreement termination date (as above), your coverage continues as normal under the level of cover you have with the subsequent benefits. This is known as ‘transitional cover’.

The eligibility for the transitional cover usually falls into one of the below categories:

  • If your treatment commenced prior to 4 March 2025
  • If you have pre-booked a procedure (up to six months after the agreement termination date)
  • If you are pregnant and are pre-booked for delivery date
  • Patients who are already undergoing a course of treatment prior to 4 March
  • If you require an emergency admission

What does this termination mean and how does it potentially impact me?

From 4 March 2025, we will no longer have an agreement with the Healthscope Hospital group. You’ll still be able to be treated in a Healthscope Hospital but are likely to incur additional out of pocket expenses. Please complete a Medical Estimate Form via our website or contact us if you’d like more information.

If you choose to contact us, please have the following details ready:

  • Name of Hospital
  • Date of admission
  • Provider name and provider number
  • Item numbers
  • Individual Charges / Fee’s

What is the best way to find an alternative hospital covered by HIF?

Alternatively, we have agreements in place with several neighbouring hospitals to support your healthcare needs. Visit*

We also encourage you to discuss this with your treating specialist to understand if they can facilitate admission and hospital recommendations and reduce out of pocket costs.

Can you help me with an estimate for any out-of-pocket expenses in relation to my upcoming treatment?

The hospital you are scheduled to have the procedure at should provide you with informed financial consent prior to admission. We recommend that you contact the hospital to confirm what out of pocket expenses will be for the hospital.

In relation to medical bills, complete a Medical Estimate Form via our website or contact us if you’d like more information. We recommend contacting us for a quote prior to commencing treatment.

Healthscope hospitals impacted by state


ProviderHealthscope Hospital NameAlternative Hospitals
0095100JNational Capital Private HospitalCanberra Private (3km)
Calvary John James (3km)
Barton Private Hospital (5km)
Calvary Bruce (10km)


ProviderHealthscope Hospital NameAlternative Hospitals
0016490KHunter Valley Private HospitalLingard (9km)
Warners Bay (10km)
Lake Macquarie (11km)
Maitland (16km)
Toronto (18km)
0017050FNewcastle Private HospitalLingard (6km)
Lake Macquarie (7km)
Warners Bay (7km)
Toronto (14km)
Maitland (20km)
0016580JNepean Private HospitalSomerset Private (0km)
Minchinbury (11km)
SJOG Richmond (19km)
Hawkesbury (19km)
0017590YNorthern Beaches HospitalDelmar (5km)
Castlecrag (6km)
South Pacific (6km)
Gordon Private (7km)
Manly Waters (8km)
RC Northside (8km)
Nth Shore Private (9km)
RC Cremorne (9km)
Mater Hospital Sydney (9km)
Longueville (10km)
Macquarie Uni (11km)
Hunters Hill (12km)
Sydney Adventist (13km)
East Sydney Private Hospital (14km)
St Lukes (14km)
St Vincent's Private Hospital (14km)
Wolper (15km)
Bondi Junction PH (16km)
Allowah (16km)
Eastern Suburbs PH (18km)
SJOG Burwood (18km)
Strathfield (18km)
Sydney Private (19km)
Wesley Ashfield (19km)
0016870YNorwest Private HospitalLakeview Private Hospital (2km)
Westmead Private (7km)
Allowah (11km)
Holroyd (12km)
Minchinbury (12km)
Sydney Adventist (13km)
Macquarie Uni (15km)
Strathfield (19km)
Hawkesbury (20km)
0017170XPrince of Wales Private HospitalEastern Suburbs PH (1km)
Bondi Junction PH (3km)
Wolper (4km)
St Vincent's Private Hospital (5km)
St Lukes (5km)
East Sydney Private Hospital (5km)
Lifehouse (6km)
Mater Hospital Sydney (10km)
Sydney Private (11km)
St George (11km)
Nth Shore Private (12km)
Longueville (12km)
RC Northside (12km)
Hunters Hill (12km)
Castlecrag (13km)
Manly Waters (13km)
Waratah Private (14km)
Strathfield (14km)
Hurstville Private Hospital (14km)
Hirondelle (15km)
South Pacific (17km)
Kareena (17km)
Sutherland Heart  (17km)
Delmar (18km)
Macquarie Uni (20km)
President (20km)
0016910HSydney Southwest Private HospitalHolroyd (9km)
RC Wentworthville (13km)
Westmead Private (14km)
Hurstville Private Hospital (16km)
Strathfield (16km)
Waratah Private (17km)
SJOG Burwood (17km)
Wesley Ashfield (18km)
Minchinbury (18km)
Allowah (19km)
Sydney Private (19km)
President (19km)
Wesley Kogarah (19km)
St George (20km)
0017290KCampbelltown Private HospitalNo close private hospital alternatives available.
0017160YLady Davidson Private HospitalMt Wilga Rehab (5km)
Sydney Adventist (7km)
Hirondelle (11km)
Arcadia Pittwater (13km)
Delmar (15km)
Royal Rehab Private Ryde (15km)
Hunters Hill (16km)
Mater Hospital Sydney (16km)
Manly Waters (18km)
Lakeview Private Hospital (18km)
0017320YThe Hills Private HospitalLakeview Private Hospital (2km)
The Hills (4km)
RC Wentworthville (7km)
Westmead Rehab (8km)
Sydney Adventist (11km)
Holroyd (12km)
Mt Wilga Rehab (12km)
Royal Rehab Private Ryde (14km)
Minchinbury (15km)
Gordon Private (16km)
SJOG Burwood (18km)
Alwyn Rehab (18km)
Hunters Hill (19km)
Hirondelle (19km)
0016630TThe Sydney ClinicSt Vincent's Private Hospital (4km)
RC Cremorne (8km)
RC Northside (11km)
Wesley Ashfield (13km)
South Pacific (14km)
Wesley Kogarah (14km)
SJOG Burwood (15km)
Waratah Private (16km)
Gordon Private (19km)
0999441JTweed Day SurgeryJohn Flynn Private Hospital (7km)
Gold Coast Eye Hospital (19km)


Provider Healthscope Hospital NameAlternative Hospitals
0065020LAshford HospitalCalvary Adelaide Hospital (3km)
St Andrews  SA (4km)
Calvary North Adelaide (4km)
Sportsmed Hospital (6km)
Burnside (6km)
Glenelg Community (7km)
Western SA (8km)
Nth Eastern Comm (11km)
Stirling Hospital Inc (14km)
0065930XFlinders Private HospitalGlenelg Community (6km)
St Andrews  SA (10km)
Calvary Adelaide Hospital (11km)
Burnside (12km)
Calvary North Adelaide (12km)
Sportsmed Hospital (13km)
Stirling Hospital Inc (13km)
Western SA (14km)
Nth Eastern Comm (17km)
0065240AMemorial HospitalCalvary North Adelaide (1km)
Calvary Adelaide Hospital (2km)
Sportsmed Hospital (2km)
St Andrews  SA (3km)
Burnside (4km)
Nth Eastern Comm (7km)
Western SA (9km)
Glenelg Community (12km)
Stirling Hospital Inc (15km)
Central Districts (18km)
0065120JGriffith Rehabilitation HospitalCalvary Adelaide Hospital (12km)


ProviderHealthscope Hospital NameAlternative Hospitals
0036590XThe Geelong ClinicWyndham Clinic (40km)
0036520KThe Melbourne ClinicEpworth Richmond (1km)
St Vincents East Melb (1km)
Epworth Freemasons (1km)
Epworth Hawthorn (2km)
St Vincents Fitzroy (2km)
RC Albert Road (3km)
The Avenue (4km)
Epworth Camberwell (6km)
Cabrini Malvern (6km)
Brunswick (7km)
Malvern Private (8km)
Warringal (9km)
Delmont (10km)
Epworth Eastern (11km)
Cabrini Brighton (11km)
Essendon Private (12km)
Jessie McPherson (16km)
Monash Heart Private (16km)
Mitcham (17km)
Sunshine Private Hospital (17km)
0036170WThe Victoria ClinicRC Albert Road (3km)
Cabrini Malvern (4km)
Epworth Camberwell (5km)
Malvern Private (6km)
Delmont (9km)
Brunswick (10km)
Essendon Private (15km)
Mitcham (18km)
Sunshine Private Hospital (19km)
0036350LHolmesglen Private HospitalLinacre (4km)
Epworth Brighton (5km)
Cabrini Brighton (6km)
Monash Surgical (6km)
Monash House (6km)
Jessie McPherson (7km)
Monash Heart Private (8km)
Cabrini Malvern (8km)
Masada (9km)
Windsor Private Hospital (10km)
Epworth Camberwell (10km)
Waverley (10km)
The Avenue (10km)
South Eastern (13km)
Epworth Hawthorn (13km)
Ramsay Glenferrie (13km)
Epworth Richmond (14km)
Mulgrave Private Hospital (14km)
St Vincents Kew (15km)
Epworth Eastern (15km)
St Vincents East Melb (15km)
Epworth Freemasons (15km)
Vermont Private Hospital (16km)
St Vincents Fitzroy (16km)
Frances Perry (18km)
Mitcham (19km)
Donvale Rehab (20km)
0035850AJohn Fawkner - Moreland Private HospitalFrances Perry (5km)
St Vincents Fitzroy (6km)
Essendon Private (6km)
Epworth Freemasons (7km)
St Vincents East Melb (7km)
Epworth Richmond (8km)
Western Private (8km)
St Vincents Kew (8km)
Warringal (9km)
Epworth Hawthorn (9km)
Ramsay Glenferrie (10km)
The Avenue (12km)
Windsor Private Hospital (12km)
Sunshine Private Hospital (13km)
Masada (13km)
Cabrini Malvern (14km)
Epworth Eastern (16km)
Cabrini Brighton (18km)
0036610JKnox Private HospitalVermont Private Hospital (3km)
Melbourne Eastern (4km)
Mitcham (5km)
Waverley (8km)
Mulgrave Private Hospital (10km)
Epworth Eastern (10km)
Monash Heart Private (11km)
Jessie McPherson (12km)
Monash House (12km)
Monash Surgical (12km)
South Eastern (13km)
Cabrini Malvern (17km)
Ramsay Glenferrie (18km)
Warringal (18km)
Epworth Hawthorn (18km)
St Vincents Kew (19km)
Masada (20km)
0036790KLa Trobe Private HospitalWarringal (5km)
St Vincents Kew (10km)
Ramsay Glenferrie (12km)
Epworth Freemasons (12km)
Epworth Hawthorn (12km)
St Vincents Fitzroy (12km)
St Vincents East Melb (12km)
Frances Perry (12km)
Epworth Richmond (12km)
Epworth Eastern (13km)
Essendon Private (15km)
The Avenue (16km)
Windsor Private Hospital (16km)
Cabrini Malvern (16km)
Western Private (16km)
Mitcham (17km)
Masada (17km)
0036700HMelbourne Private HospitalFrances Perry (0km)
St Vincents Fitzroy (2km)
Epworth Freemasons (3km)
St Vincents East Melb (3km)
Epworth Richmond (4km)
St Vincents Kew (6km)
Epworth Hawthorn (6km)
Western Private (6km)
Ramsay Glenferrie (7km)
The Avenue (7km)
Windsor Private Hospital (7km)
Essendon Private (8km)
Masada (9km)
Cabrini Malvern (10km)
Warringal (10km)
Cabrini Brighton (13km)
Sunshine Private Hospital (13km)
Epworth Eastern (14km)
Linacre (17km)
Waverley (19km)
Jessie McPherson (20km)
Monash House (20km)
Monash Surgical (20km)
0036530JNorthpark Private HospitalWarringal (7km)
Brunswick (11km)
St Vincents Kew (13km)
Ramsay Glenferrie (14km)
Epworth Eastern (15km)
Epworth Hawthorn (15km)
Epworth Freemasons (15km)
St Vincents Fitzroy (15km)
St Vincents East Melb (15km)
Frances Perry (15km)
Epworth Richmond (15km)
Essendon Private (17km)
Epworth Camberwell (17km)
Mitcham (18km)
RC Albert Road (18km)
Delmont (19km)
The Avenue (19km)
Windsor Private Hospital (19km)
Cabrini Malvern (19km)
Western Private (19km)
Malvern Private (19km)
0036430LRingwood Private HospitalMitcham (4km)
Melbourne Eastern (5km)
Vermont Private Hospital (7km)
Epworth Eastern (11km)
Waverley (12km)
Mulgrave Private Hospital (14km)
Monash Heart Private (15km)
Jessie McPherson (16km)
Monash House (16km)
Monash Surgical (16km)
Warringal (17km)
South Eastern (18km)
Ramsay Glenferrie (19km)
St Vincents Kew (19km)
Cabrini Malvern (19km)
Epworth Hawthorn (19km)
0036220ADorset Rehabilitation CentreBrunswick Private (4km)
St Vincents East Melb (10km)
Epworth Richmond (11km)
Epworth Hawthorn (13km)
Epworth Camberwell (17km)
Masada (17km)
Cabrini Malvern (17km)
0035050KNorth Eastern Rehabilitation CentreBrunswick (5km)
Epworth Hawthorn (6km)
St Vincents East Melb (7km)
Epworth Richmond (7km)
Epworth Camberwell (9km)
Cabrini Malvern (11km)
Masada (12km)
Donvale Rehab (13km)
Cabrini Brighton (17km)
Epworth Brighton (17km)
0036640BVictorian Rehabilitation Centre - EasternSouth Eastern (8km)
Melbourne Eastern (10km)
Epworth Camberwell (11km)
Cabrini Malvern (12km)
Donvale Rehab (12km)
Epworth Brighton (14km)
Masada (14km)
Epworth Hawthorn (15km)
Cabrini Brighton (15km)
Epworth Richmond (17km)
St Vincents East Melb (18km)


ProviderHealthscope Hospital NameAlternative Hospitals
0097660FDarwin Private Hospital    No close private hospital alternatives available.


ProviderHealthscope Hospital NameAlternative Hospitals
0055730YGold Coast Private HospitalThe Southport Private Hospital (3km)
Pindara Private (5km)
Robina Private Hospital (`2km)
0055790JPeninsula Private Hospital (QLD)St Vincent's Private Hospital Northside (19km)
0055720ASunnybank Private HospitalGreenslopes Private (7km)
Canossa Private (10km)
Mater Women & Child (10km)
Mater Private (10km)
St Vincent's Brisbane (11km)
Wesley Auchenflower (12km)
Rivercity (13km)
St Andrews War Memorial Hospital (13km)
Mater Redland (19km)
Mater Springfield (20km)
0055080WBrisbane Private HospitalSt Andrews War Memorial Hospital (0km)
St Vincent's Brisbane (2km)
Mater Private (2km)
Mater Women & Child (2km)
RC New Farm (2km)
Wesley Auchenflower (3km)
Rivercity (3km)
Greenslopes Private (6km)
North West (8km)
St Vincent's Private Hospital Northside (8km)
Belmont (9km)
Canossa Private (11km)
0055830WPine Rivers Private HospitalRC New Farm (19km)
Mater Women & Child (20km)


ProviderHealthscope Hospital Name    Alternative Hospitals
0085110AHobart Private HospitalCalvary Hobart (3km)
Hobart Clinic (9km)


ProviderHealthscope Hospital NameAlternative Hospitals
0075420BMount HospitalAbbotsford Hosp (2km)
West Leederville Private Hospital (2km)
Subiaco (3km)
SJOG Subiaco (3km)
Hollywood (4km)
South Perth (4km)
The Park Private (4km)
SJOG Mt Lawley (4km)
Bethesda (7km)
Attadale (9km)
SJOG Murdoch (12km)
Glengarry (15km)
SJOG Midland (17km)