How is Lifetime Health Cover Loading applied to new migrants to Australia?

If you've recently migrated to Australia, or just obtained your Australian residency and you're over the age of 31, your LHC base day will be the later of:

  • 1 July following your 31st birthday; or
  • The first anniversary of the day you registered for full Medicare benefits.

If you hold private hospital cover before your base day you will not incur any LHC loading on your policy. If you take out hospital cover after your base day you will have to pay a LHC loading of 2% for every year you are aged over 30.

How do I obtain my Medicare Eligibility Letter?

You can obtain a "Medicare Eligibility Letter" from Medicare; this is to ensure you are not charged any Lifetime Health Cover Loading. You can request a letter from your local Medicare office or by contacting Medicare on 13 20 11.

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